Not your typical BI consulting firm 

Unlike most BI consulting firms that focus on installing technical solutions, nsitelabs is focused on the output -
retrieving insight from data.

nsitelabs was formed by Pat Stein, founder & principal consultant, to assist companies with leveraging something they already own - their data!

Are you getting everything you can from your data? 

A common capability shared among high performing organizations is the ability of their decision makers to leverage data - when they need it - to drive decisions that maximize profits.   

Whether it is a Customer Service Agent knowing what product to up sell a specific customer while on a service call or a Product Manager knowing what specific action they can take to improve profitability.

In each case it is the availability of quality data that has been transformed into business insights that enable data driven decisions.  


Your data are strategic assets - 
exploit them like one!

There are proven methodologies and tools that enable organizations to get the most out of their data called Business Intelligence or 'BI', it includes:

     - strategic road maps
     - data management practices
     - using the right tools, process and people
     - performance management
     - on-going support model

The first step to gaining more insight is to evaluate your current BI capabilities through a formal BI Assessment...
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