Industry statistic: 80% of BI projects fail to meet business expectations...    

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If you are starting down a new path or looking to make a change in direction, it is important to have a road map and consensus to know where you want to go.  The same is true with your BI program, a BI strategy will ensure your BI program is well understood and agreed upon before investing time and resources into specific projects. 

A great strategy is one that answers not only the what but also the why.  More importantly, it can be repeated and well understood by all stakeholders, this is especially true when dealing with the complexity of Business Intelligence.  The benefits of a documented BI strategy are:

    - identification of key business value drivers (why)
    - prioritized goals and business benefits (what)
    - resource needs (who)
    - high level work plan (when)

Your BI strategy needs strong business support to be successful so it is written in business terms and not technical jargon.  You will not get a boilerplate template with a changed logo, but rather a customized document that addresses your specific needs that can be shared with all stakeholders.